


事實上,以體質研究探索人群中個體的差異,發現個體的差異規律,不僅受到中國歷代醫家重視,也被受國外學者重視。如美國、日本、韓國、印度及俄羅斯等亦有相關的研究及發展出眾多的體質學說。回顧歷史,西元前六世紀左右,希臘的Empedocles及Pythagors 已提出四要素學說,他們認為一切物質由火、水、土、氣組成,在人體形成血液、黏液、黃膽汁及黑膽汁四種液體,而個體的性格/行為表現,其健康或疾病都與這四種液體的平衡狀態相關。此一學說經 Hippocrates,Aristotle及有「解剖學之父」稱謂的Galen等人繼承及發揚。


[1] 當代在體質研究方面,有不同的學說及分類方法。在眾多學說中,則只有王琦教教授開發出簡便而有效度的自填問卷,並得到廣泛應用。然亦有不少學者指有關評測過份依重個體的主觀感覺及不包含四診資料等而提出異議。但作為協助人們初步了解自己的體質傾向,還是有其積極意義。


體質,是指一個人在先天因素如遺傳(即中醫所講的稟賦)及後天環境兩個因素綜合影響下,所呈現出相對穩定的形態、行為表現及心理特徵或傾向。體質雖然是先後天影響下的結果,但反過來又決定人們如何與外界互動,而產生在相同條件卻出現個別化身心反應的現象。譬喻同是外感風寒,有人稍事休息便康復,有人遷延不癒,也有人因「從化」[2] 而變為風熱、表寒裡熱、夾痰等證。同是遇事不順,氣鬱質的易向壞處想而變得消極沉鬱;陰虛質的會急燥而坐立不安;濕熱質者的易見惱怒衝動……



* 體質雖然被劃分為九種,但不同體質可以互相夾雜,而使個人的體質呈現出複雜多變的面貌。如屬氣虛質的同時,可有陽虛質及痰濕質的傾向。(有興趣可參考「2021年體質量表統計」資料)

[2] 意指感邪後,病發依體質特徵而改變,如熱盛體質者,由寒變熱或虛寒體質者,由熱變寒。

[3] 內容主要參照《九種體質使用手冊》及《解密中國人的九種體質》。

Constitutional Differences

The “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” outlines the concept of constitutional differences, including Yin-Yang Five Elements, body type, and psychological traits. For instance, the Five Elements theory categorizes constitutions into Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water types, with variations within each type. This concept, rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, has also garnered attention globally, with studies in countries like the US, Japan, and Russia. In the West, Greek scholars introduced the theory of the four elements, later developed by figures like Hippocrates. Wang Qi’s “9-Types of Constitution Classification” [1] further explores individual tendencies through questionnaires, providing insights into physical, psychological, and health characteristics, along with lifestyle recommendations. [1] In modern constitution studies, diverse theories exist. Professor Wang Qi devised a user-friendly questionnaire, widely adopted despite criticism for its subjective nature and lack of Four Diagnoses data. Yet, it remains valuable for individuals to grasp their constitution tendencies preliminarily.

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 [1] In modern constitution studies, diverse theories exist. Professor Wang Qi devised a user-friendly questionnaire, widely adopted despite criticism for its subjective nature and lack of Four Diagnoses data. Yet, it remains valuable for individuals to grasp their constitution tendencies preliminarily.

9-Type Constitution Classification

Constitution is about how someone’s body, mind, and behavior are usually like because of both the genes they’re born with and the things around them after they’re born. This mix of factors decides how they react to the world, leading to different reactions to the same situations.[2] For example, some people might get over a cold quickly with a bit of rest, while others might take longer to feel better. And sometimes, someone might start with a cold but end up with a different kind of sickness, like a fever or cough, because of their body’s tendencies. Similarly, when things get tough, some people might feel sad and negative, others might get restless and anxious, and some might get easily annoyed and impulsive.

Because of things that happen after birth, like how we eat, deal with our feelings, and stay active, our constitution stays pretty stable but can change over time. This means it’s not set in stone! By making changes to our diet, managing our emotions, staying active, or using treatments like acupuncture and herbal medicine, we can balance out any imbalances in our constitution.

Understanding our constitution can help us know what foods are good for us, how we might react emotionally, and what sicknesses we might be more likely to get. This helps us take better care of our bodies and minds. Now, let’s take a quick look at the nine different constitutions.[3]

*Although constitutions are divided into nine types, different constitutions can mix with each other, resulting in a complex and diverse appearance of individual constitution. For example, individuals with a tendency towards qi deficiency may also have tendencies towards yang deficiency and phlegm-dampness.  (take a look at “Constitution Assessment of 2021“)

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[2] It means that after being affected by an external pathogen, the disease may change according to the characteristics of the constitution. For example, individuals with a tendency towards heat may change from cold to heat, or those with deficiency-cold constitution may change from heat to cold.
[3] The content is mainly based on the “Manual of Nine Constitutions” and “Decoding the Nine Constitutions of Chinese People”.

Balance in Nature Qi StagnationQi DeficiencyYin DeficiencyYang DeficiencyPhlegm DampDamp HeatBlood StasisSpecial-intrinsic

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