
LivingTCM〈活‧醫學〉, as the name of a website and as an embodiment of the entire crossover concept. “Crossover,” a more rustic translation would be “交感” (jiāogǎn), which is the foundation of all changes ── the interplay of Yin and Yang creates all, while male-female interaction yields love. Birth and death mark change’s extremities, with “living” bridging the gap. It entails the alternating rhythm of “feeling” and “response,” shaping health, illness, prosperity, and adversity. “Feeling with response” or “feeling without response” delineates life’s essence, rendering it rich or stagnant.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is not just a branch of medicine; it also explores “how to live.” That is, how to live out the doctrine of “living in harmony with form and spirit, reaching the end of one’s natural life and living to be a hundred years old” as stated in the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic – The Great Harmony Theory,” it is both a discipline of learning and a practice of life. It embodies the core idea of “harmony and balance.”

Because it touches on the origin of life and life itself ── the Dao, Traditional Chinese Medicine remains alive, despite enduring countless trials and tribulations!


LivingTCM,〈活‧醫學〉既是網站名稱,也是整個crossover意念的體現。Crossover,一個比較古朴的翻譯就是「交感」。交感是一切變化發生的基礎 ── 陰陽交感,生出了天地萬物;男女交感,產生了愛情。變化的兩端就是生與息。生與息之間,就是「活」的呈現。活著,是「感」與「應」的交替運動。「感而有應」與「感而不應」區分出生命中康病、順逆的兩種狀態。兩者共同構建出生命的全部內容 ── 使之呈現出或豐富多姿,或呆滯痿頓的變化。

中醫不單單是醫學的一個分支,它更是探討「當如何活」 ── 即如何可活出《內經‧上古天真論》所言「形與神俱,而盡終其天年,度百歲乃去 」的一門學問及生命實踐。其所體現的就是「中和」這一核心思想。

因為觸及生命和生命的本源 ── 道,故縱然歷經無數寒暑,中醫還是活的!


A reliable, self-driven, and detail-oriented Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner with extensive training in general medicine at renowned institutions in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China. I completed a rigorous four-year apprenticeship at a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, where I developed a comprehensive skill set under expert mentorship. My expertise spans a wide range of conditions, including mental health disorders, post-operative cancer care, gastrointestinal issues, gynecology, stroke rehabilitation, and various forms of pain management. In addition, he, who was once a registered social worker, is passionate about integrating Western psychotherapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially for patients with psychological distress.

In my practice, I employ an individualized approach, meticulously selecting and integrating diverse treatment modalities. These include Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture (including moxibustion), Cupping, Guasha, Tuina, and personalized counselling, all aimed at achieving holistic healing and restoration.


Brief Employment History

  • Part-time fieldwork Supervisor (2022)

  • Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (2020 – now)

  • Counselor and Family Caseworker (2015-2016)

  • Lecturer and Fieldwork Coordinator (2012 – 2015)

  • Lecturer (2010 – 2012)

  • School Socialworker and Counselor (1994 – 2010)

  • Counselor and Family Caseworker (1994 – 2000)

Professional Qualifications

  • Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RTCMP) , of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturists of British Columbia

  • Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RCMP), of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong

  • Registered Social Worker, of the Social Workers Registration Board of Hong Kong

Professional and Academic Training

  • Master of Chinese Medicine (CUHK)

  • Master of Buddhist Studies (HKU)

  • Master of Social Work (HKBU)

  • Bachelor of Social Sciences, Major in Social Work (CUHK)

Social Participation

  • Hong Kong Health Society ─ Voluntary RCMP of Community Med Care Team (2021-2023)

  • Honorary Consultant of the Student Affairs Office of Caritas Institute of Higher Education (2018-2023)