

本文試就以第五波新冠疫情爆發下,並於2022年3月初至4月尾間經筆者診治的53個新冠後遺症病例為研習對象,以探索式研習(exploratory study)進行資料歸納及整理,並得出以下初步的觀察:














又從圖9的遺留症狀分佈及關連所見,所有主訴可粗略分以咳嗽、疲倦及調理為主這3個板塊(cluster)。其中前兩者(咳嗽與疲倦)或可就其症候表現的特徵簡單地擬作新冠後遺症的兩個不同發展階段 ── 即以咳嗽為主的板塊,可視作「餘邪未盡」的階段;以疲倦為主的板塊則是「邪盡正未復」的狀態。若此兩者同時與調理板塊合論,則可一起組成新冠後遺症的完整治療內容。並且若再結合新冠陽性治療期,那麼這四個主要部份就可構成一個完整的新冠治療模型。(圖10)



















研習限制:由於是次研習並非事前規劃,因此資料收集缺乏明確的焦點及組織;沒有事先進行理論及文獻回顧;也沒有就療效作出隨訪。更重要的是以目前53個研習樣本,只能達到遠低於標準要求的85%信心水準及10%誤差範圍。故此研習並不在於,亦不可能獲取具普遍意義的結論,反之只嘗試以「研習的研習」(a study of a study)的方式去進行臨床經驗的整理,試圖勾畫出一個有關研習對象的輪廓。



This article explores an exploratory study based on 53 cases of post-COVID-19 sequelae treated by the author between early March and late April 2022, during the outbreak of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aims to conduct data induction and organization to derive preliminary observations as follows:


During the aforementioned period, the number of consultations showed a similar trend in changes to the infection rates during the peak outbreak period, appearing with a two-week lag (Figures 2 and 3).


Regarding the gender distribution of patients, it closely resembled the proportions reported in the “2014-2015 Population Health Survey Report” released by the Health Protection Center, with approximately a 4 (male) : 6 (female) ratio (Figure 4).


Additionally, the age group with the highest number of consultations was 45-54 years old (both genders combined), consistent with the aforementioned report (Figure 7).


Comparing the age distribution of consultations between the two periods (Figure 7), the data suggests that, assuming consistent patient seeking behavior across both statistical periods, “older individuals have a higher probability of developing post-COVID-19 sequelae” as a preliminary conclusion.


Coughing was identified as the primary symptom of post-COVID-19 sequelae, accounting for approximately half of all cases at 43.7%. There were a total of 23 cases where coughing was the main complaint (Figure 8).


While upper respiratory discomfort predominates as a symptom of post-COVID-19 sequelae, there is also a tendency towards diverse manifestations, including discomfort in the upper, middle, and lower jiaos such as weakness in qi, palpitations, abdominal pain, constipation, testicular pain, and cognitive impairment like reduced concentration. The diversity in symptom presentation may be related to patient constitution, age, treatment received, and symptoms during the positive phase. However, the actual relationships require further investigation (Figure 9).


From the distribution and correlations observed in Figure 9, all primary complaints can be broadly categorized into three clusters: coughing, fatigue, and regulation. The first two (coughing and fatigue) could be seen as representing different stages of post-COVID-19 sequelae ── the coughing cluster indicating a stage of “residual pathogenic factors,” while the fatigue cluster represents a state of “pathogens dissipated but not yet recovered.” When combined with the regulation cluster, these three clusters form a comprehensive treatment framework for post-COVID-19 sequelae. Furthermore, when integrated with treatment during the positive phase of COVID-19, these four main components constitute a complete model for COVID-19 treatment (Figure 10).


In terms of the relationship between primary complaints and gender distribution, the curves for both genders show similar patterns. However, using the threefold classification of coughing, fatigue, and regulation, there are significant differences between the genders in the distribution during the “pathogens dissipated but not yet recovered” stage (Figure 11).


Men, despite being less frequent in seeking medical attention, exhibited more diverse symptom presentations compared to women who sought medical attention more frequently (Figures 13 and 14).


Among these 53 patients, a total of 88 visits were recorded, utilizing a total of 43 prescriptions. Allergic Decoction was the most frequently used prescription, accounting for 34 out of 88 visits, or 24.1% of the total. This was followed by Er Chen Tang and Xiao Chai Hu Tang with Gui Zhi Rong, each accounting for approximately 7.8%, and Xiao Chai Hu Tang at 6.4%. Among these, Allergic Decoction was used in combination with other prescriptions 30 times, while the remaining 4 times it was used alone with adjustments (Figures 18-1 and 18-2).


These prescriptions can also be broadly categorized into four main functions: exterior-releasing agents, phlegm-dispelling/cough-suppressing agents, qi-tonifying/spleen-invigorating agents, and yin-nourishing/fluid-increasing and heat-clearing agents. These rough classifications succinctly reflect the basic pathogenesis of post-COVID-19 sequelae.


If categorized according to residual pathogenic factors, it cannot be separated from pathogenic products such as wind, phlegm, heat, and stasis, with wind, phlegm, and heat being the most common.


During the supplementary literature review process, many articles discussed the application and efficacy of Allergic Decoction in treating various allergic diseases including urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic cough, dermatitis, as well as kidney diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, male infertility, arthritis, and neurodermatitis, among others. Therefore, there is still considerable room for expansion in the clinical application of Allergic Decoction.


Regarding the efficacy of Allergic Decoction in treating post-COVID-19 sequelae cough, due to the small sample size and lack of follow-up arrangements, statistical validation of its effectiveness could not be achieved. Instead, only a profile of its efficacy based on clinical impressions was obtained. Furthermore, due to practical clinical needs, Allergic Decoction is often used in combination with adjustments, making it inconvenient to provide convincing support for its efficacy.


Although traditional Chinese medicine’s theory of the Four Qi and Five Flavors and modern pharmacological analysis have irreconcilable theoretical explanations, both can clearly explain the pharmacology of Allergic Decoction and the reasons for its effectiveness according to their respective theoretical systems, thereby mutually inspiring each other.


When considering the difference between adopting a research orientation more aligned with Western academic traditions to organize clinical experiences in traditional Chinese medicine and organizing clinical experiences based on diagnosis and medical books in traditional Chinese medicine, it is vaguely recognized that there are hierarchical differences between the two: Western academic orientation attempts to answer questions from a deductive approach, while traditional Chinese medicine attempts to summarize and capture laws from an inductive approach to guide answers and solve deductive questions.

Study Limitations: Since this study was not pre-planned, data collection lacked a clear focus and organization; there was no prior theoretical and literature review; and there was no follow-up on efficacy. Moreover, with only 53 study samples, the study could only achieve a confidence level far below the standard requirement of 85% and a margin of error of 10%. Therefore, this study does not aim to, nor is it capable of, obtaining universally applicable conclusions. Instead, it attempts to conduct a study of a study to organize clinical experiences, aiming to outline a profile of the study subjects.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, fifth wave, post-COVID-19 sequelae, novel coronavirus, Allergic Decoction

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