





The phone’s ring broke the silence, a call from a nun we haven’t met for a long time. She speaks quickly and to the point as always. She’d heard about my venture into traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and shared her thoughts.

Though happy for me, she gently suggested Buddhism might better suit my talents, citing the needs of the modern soul. I explained the course duration and my reasons for choosing medicine.

She then introduced me to a old-aged TCM practitioner, emphasizing his ethical values and benevolence. Her sincerity moved me, and I eagerly anticipated meeting him.

Just after our call, his contact details arrived. I was deeply touched by the nun’s gesture and recognized the value of her guidance.

As a TCM student, I felt fortunate for such mentorship. Whether I could learn from it depended on our karmic bond, a concept deeply rooted in gratitude and respect.

(Date of original post: 2016-09-18)

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