Lesson 2: The essence of Great Doctor

June 20, 2024 1 tag

It’s too fast for me… When we met for the second time, he was excited to talk about a book called “Great Truths in Medicine,” written by Suan Simiao during the Tang Dynasty. Since I had looked into it before, I was happy to learn more. This old book, the

Lesson 1: What do you expect to learn…death or live?

June 18, 2024 1 tag

Guided by the nun’s referral, my first meeting with the old Chinese doctor was arranged on Thursday afternoon. The nun politely me to bring something along as gift, in accordance with the way of traditional Chinese culture. Her reminder was full of thoughtfulness and dedication. Upon arriving at the shop,

A call on Sunday

June 10, 2024 1 tag

The phone's ring broke the silence, a call from a nun we haven't met for a long time. She speaks quickly and to the point as always. She'd heard about my venture into traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and shared her thoughts.

Analysis of Treatment for Post-COVID-19 Sequelae

June 4, 2024 1 tag

This article explores an exploratory study based on 53 cases of post-COVID-19 sequelae treated by the author between early March and late April 2022, during the outbreak of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Case of Diarrhea

May 20, 2024 1 tag

Chronic diarrhea for 1 year.Long-standing history of diarrhea, with some periods of improvement. However, after the surgery in 2018, symptoms relapsed.

Case of Conjunctivitis

May 10, 2024 1 tag

Itchy red eyes for four years.Complains of discomfort in the eyes since returning from Malaysia in 2018, with itching, redness, and irritation. Diagnosed with eye infection by Western medicine and prescribed steroid eye drops, which provided relief.

Life is truly wonderful!

Sticky May 4, 2024 1 tag

One day, an elder gentleman, though advanced in his age, still mentally sharp and physically fit, came to seek medical consultation.