





「佛性本無南北」、「醫無中西」— 一個助人了生脫死,一個救人性命。除卻了「南北西中」等人們的作意分別,就只剩下修行與治療,解脫與康復。


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[1] 老中醫年青時大學本科是西醫專業,八歲開始隨當中醫的父親上山採藥。

[2] 借喻堅持只用西醫或只用中醫的單邊漢。

[3] 是當時中原對南方少數民族貶抑的稱呼。

[4] 《壇經》。
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Delaying my clinic visit for makeup classes, I found the old Chinese doctor immersed in brewing medicine upon arrival.

Amid discussions on integrating Western and Chinese medicine, the doctor emphasized medicine’s singular goal: patient recovery. He shared cases illustrating the necessity of blending Eastern and Western approaches for optimal care. His words echoed the tale of Zen Master Huineng seeking enlightenment – he posited that there is no difference for Southern and Northern people. Likewise, his stance highlighted the unity of purpose and the transcendent nature of healing beyond labels.

The doctor’s practice should value the importance of openness and collaboration in healthcare, where the ultimate aim is the well-being and recovery of the patient, regardless of tradition or origin.

(Date of original post: 2016-10-07)

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